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Yo ! I am Wei Qi from 2 Commitment ... 8December was the date i first landed on earth :D My besties are JingYing a.k.a Coco Black(I named this , she likes it :P) , LiLing and Calisa !!! I love Miss A and 2NE1 too !

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Learning Log 5
Written at Saturday, July 30, 2011 | back to top

Firstly, after reading "The Unseen" booklet, i learnt how to find the main points and what the poet wishes to convey to the readers at a shorter time. We should at least read the Unseen Prose Passage three times in order to get a clear understanding of the text. For the first reading, read through it briefly to know what it is about and at the same time, take note of the difficult words and phrases. For the second reading, read it slowly and carefully to get a better understanding of the events, mood, setting and relationship between the characters.While for the third reading, read through the questions and jot down notes or take note of where the answers and quotes could be found. We can understand the meaning of the difficult words and phrases by studying the way it was used . I also learnt about the "Do"s and "Don't"s when answering Unseen Prose Passage questions.

As a student, i have problems organising and presenting my points when answering the questions. Hence, my Secondary One Literature teachers will always have difficulties understanding what i am trying to say. However, after reading "The Unseen" booklet, i learnt two techniques, which i hope will benefit me in my answering of questions in the future. They are 'IBC' which stands for Introduction, Body and Conclusion, and 'PEEL' which stands for Point, Explain-Elaborate, Evidence-Example and Link. Initially, i do not really understand these methods, but with the help of the given examples, i managed to understand them !

Next, i learnt how to quote words, phrases or sentences from the Unseen Prose Passage. We must use inverted commas when incorporating quotes into our own sentence and use colon when inserting quotes at the end of the sentence. Just like 'IBC' and 'PEEL' , 'ABCS' is the technique for quoting of text. It stands for Attention, Brief and Context respectively. Generally, it means to pick words or phrases that caught our attention and keep it as short as possible, when we are searching quotes. Then, try to fit the quotes into our answer so that our writing will flow and it will show that we truly understand the text. The examples given in the booklet also helped me to understand this method.

While writing a Literature essay, analysing the text is not enough. We must be sensitive to the techniques used in the text and have the ability to critique, analyse and be persuasive through clear writing and organisation. To score in a Literature essay, one must have Comprehension, Interpretation, Analysis and Insight and Response skills. First, spend a maximum of five minutes reading through and analysing the text. After which, write down what the text is about, its genre, mood, themes and issues. As we read, we should also go beyond what the text is about such as questioning ourselves the reason of using this word instead of another. We must also take note of the various techniques or devices used by the writer, and the changes in the language, tone or mood as there is always a purpose behind it. We can also relate it to human nature and the world.

When answering an essay question, we must include the Introduction, the Body and the Conclusion. We should state our standpoint immediately in the introduction. The way to write the body and the conclusion is to follow the 'PEEP' acronym which stand for Point, Evidence, Elaboration and Personal Response. A point which answers to the question is used to start the paragraph and we can choose to use direct quote or paraphrase for the evidence. For elaboration, we must explain how the quote is related to the point. As for the personal response, we express our views towards the characters and events. This method is quite similar to the 'PEEL' technique. The two important things to note when quoting from the text is to add value and explain the point instead of merely just repeating it, and to not start a sentence with a quote.

Lastly, when commenting about irony, we must show the contradiction clearly by stating both sides of the situation, which is the expected and what really had happened.

In conclusion, i think that 'The Unseen' booklet is very beneficial and easy to understand as it provides many examples. I had also discovered that our feelings and emotions on reading a poem is very important as it will help us to better understand and answer the questions !