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Yo ! I am Wei Qi from 2 Commitment ... 8December was the date i first landed on earth :D My besties are JingYing a.k.a Coco Black(I named this , she likes it :P) , LiLing and Calisa !!! I love Miss A and 2NE1 too !

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Learning Log 1
Written at Thursday, January 20, 2011 | back to top

From the Literature lesson , i learnt to compose a Cinquain poem . It is a five line poem which consists of the title , the description , the action , the feeling and the reflection on the title . This is also very interesting as we get to learn to summarise a sentence into a word or a phrase .

In addition , i learnt a few important and precious values during group work in class , such as being respectful and the importance teamwork . We learnt to respect each other's decision and listen attentively to the speaker during discussion on the Cinquain poem that should be done together .

Secondly , i learnt that teamwork plays a critical role in getting any task done . We assigned each person a role to play in the group such as the writer and the presenter . We will get things done more efficiently when we work as a team and be united as we each contribute to the task .

In my opinion , i feel that this Literature lesson is very useful and enjoyable as we get to know more about our classmates when we interact with each other during the group work . We can also help to work on each other's weakness and amplify their strengths through discussions . It was really fun when we composed the Cinquain poem together as some groups came out with creative topics such as "ice cream" or even "toilets" . It can also train us to be braver and more confident when we present our poems . The whole class will be increasingly bonded as we work together often .

Last but not least , i hope that the duration for us to complete the task will be extended so that we have more time to brainstorm and hopefully hand up better work . Also , i wish that the groupings can be changed for each different group work so that we can interact with more classmates and know each other better .

In a nutshell , i sincerely enjoyed the Literature lesson and look forward to more group work in the future .