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I am ME
Yo ! I am Wei Qi from 2 Commitment ... 8December was the date i first landed on earth :D My besties are JingYing a.k.a Coco Black(I named this , she likes it :P) , LiLing and Calisa !!! I love Miss A and 2NE1 too !

Have everlasting friendship
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Do well for exams
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Learning Log 7
Written at Tuesday, September 20, 2011 | back to top

Finally ! Learning Log 7 ! Today, i am going to share with you about my major Literature project that i had been busy with these few months, and that is none other than my "Romeo and Juliet" performance ! I can swear that this is my most favourite project i ever done in my life ! It was totally awesome and fun !

Firstly, let me introduce my handsome and pretty group members ! They are Iqbal, the director, JingYan, the Romeo, YuetYan, the Juliet, LiYu, the Capulet, JiaYing, the Serving Man and Wardrobe Supervisor, JiaYi, the Tybalt, Brian, the Benvolio, Diana, the Nurse, Jasmine, the pianist and Stage Manager and Set Decorator, and of course me, the Cousin ! Personally, i feel that my group had performed very well on the actual performance. They acted so much better than the rehearsals we had previously. I guess it is because they are more serious as it is the actual performance ?

Normally, during our practices, we do not concentrate and take it seriously. For instance, we will joke around and play with the props which i think wasted many of our practicing time. While some of the group members will use their phones to message and play games. However, when the actual performance day is nearer, our group got serious and managed to finish all the props and our acting.

Sometimes, we also have conflicts among the group members which i think is one of the most difficult problem to solve. I think that it maybe due to our lack of understanding for each other. For example, Jasmine and LiYu, who live in Malaysia. When they are late for the practices, we must understand them as coming to Singapore will have traffic jam. Thus, it is not their fault. We also faced many problems of group members being very irresponsible such as not coming for several practices, not contributing for the props and being late for practices. However, we opened up to each other and talked things out such as telling them about the unfairness to those who contributed a lot. I think that having a few conflicts were not so bad after all, as we learnt from our mistakes and try to change. Plus, End of Year Examinations are around the corner, so we tend to be very stress up and impatient. It was really funny when we threatened those who dares to turn up late for practices.

The major problem faced by my group, which i think all groups will surely face, is getting our parents' cooperation. Why do i say so ? From what i had observed in my group, we normally skip practices or refuse to bring the props home is due to our parents' objection. Like i had mentioned previously, examinations are near, parents are concern about our studies. Therefore, they prefer us to study at home, rather than doing project which they think is a waste of time. Due to this reason, we also have conflicts with our parents when we insist to go for practices. It do work when we tell them the importance of this performance and the need of every member in the group. This leads me to teamwork and communication among the group members. Everybody plays a vital role in a group work. Without a single group member, there will be lesser helping hand, thus the making of props is more time consuming. Also, a missing member means a missing character in the performance. As a result, our rehearsals cannot go on smoothly as we cannot practice the parts where we need the missing character. This problem can be overcome if we have good communication with the members and can talk things out nicely.

Now, let me talk about the problems i faced personally. For me, i think i am really lack of time management. Everyday, i reached home quite late due to the practices for this performance. Thus, i can only start my homework at night and finish them at midnight. As examinations are near, the numbers of tests for each subject increases. So after finishing those homework, i will be very tired and often fell asleep when i revise for my tests. I also cannot concentrate during lessons as i sleep late and woke up early. These really affected my results and worried me. I think that maybe things will be better if i bath and eat my dinner faster and have time planning.

It seems that we were having a hard time preparing for the performance ? You are wrong ! As i had yet to share with you the fun moments my group had together ! First of all, it is our lunch time together ! Sometimes, we eat Subway or MacDonald for lunch ! It was really yummy ! However, 7eleven shop in the Republic Polytechnic, is the one which we visited the most number of times. We often had our lunch there. We ate instant noodles, bread or crackers to fill our stomach. The funny thing is, JiaYing and me will always have a Kit Kat chocolate stick after that. As our practices were held in the Republic Polytechnic, the 7eleven shop owner had became our friend ! Some of the cardboard we used for the props were also provided by him and the "Popular" in Causeway Point. One of the staff in "Popular" had also became our friend as we kept asking cardboard from her. Besides our two new friends, some other shop owners also became our friends as we walked the whole Causeway Point several times to search for the costumes. We indeed made a lot of new friends !

To keep things short, let me talk about the happiest day my group had together. That day, all my group members went to my house straight after school to finish all the props and improve on our acting skills. We managed to finish everything at around seven at night. That sense of satisfaction is beyond description ! My caring mother also bought Old Chang Kee such as curry puffs, fish balls and nuggets, for us to provide us with energy to move on ! That was really a tiring day but it was all worth it ! I really missed the time we had together.

Back to the actual performance, i think that we improved a lot. We spoke loudly, contained our laughter and remembered all our hand actions and lines. Maybe we did not performed as great as other groups such as Phania's group, which i think was totally a perfect performance, i am already very contented as we know that we had did our very best.

Last but not least, to JiaYing, i really want to say is, it is not your fault to fell down that day, we did not blame you. Of course, to all my group members, thank you very much for the efforts put in and the happiness you all had gave me for these few months. I really cherish it and will not forget the cool mustache you all drew for me. I really miss you ! Team 2 all the way ! We are the hottest group ! (quoted from Rachel).