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Yo ! I am Wei Qi from 2 Commitment ... 8December was the date i first landed on earth :D My besties are JingYing a.k.a Coco Black(I named this , she likes it :P) , LiLing and Calisa !!! I love Miss A and 2NE1 too !

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Learning Log 1


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Learning Log 2
Written at Thursday, January 27, 2011 | back to top

At the first part of the Literature lesson , i discovered new and interesting superstitions that my classmates believe in . When we gathered in groups and shared our superstitions , we came to know more about one another's culture and the origin behind such superstitions . For example , the Chinese believes that sweeping the floor during the Lunar New Year will cause them to "sweep" away their good luck and they will experience misfortunate events that year . However , no one knows that are superstitions worth to believe in . Our class discussed and some of the classmates shared their real life experiences to prove that the superstitions are incorrect while others prove that it is correct . One of our classmates shared that he swept the floor during Lunar New Year but nothing bad had happened to him nor his family members .

The things i mentioned are just the obvious , every lesson conducted in school will always have precious values hidden it , such as respect . Perhaps , we may find some of the superstitions that other culture believes in are ridiculous and not logical but we need to respect one another's beliefs and not make nasty comments about them . If we respect our classmates' beliefs , they will surely respect ours . So we have to accept and respect our classmates for who they are .

While at the last part of the Literature lesson , some classmates were chosen to act out the first scene from Macbeth , where the three witches gathered in a bleak , remote place and agreed to meet Macbeth . From here , Mrs. Woo explained the significance of having the three witches at the beginning of the story . It is actually to hint that something bad might happen in the story as witches bring bad luck . She also demonstrated how witches probably sounded like to guide us and it amused the entire class . We cheered and clapped for her loudly .

Mrs. Woo had chosen two groups to act out . The second group had performed better . However , in my opinion , i think that both groups have performed equally well . I admire their courage and acting skills . They did their best to imitate Mrs. Woo , and managed to entertain the class . The performers probably felt awkward for the performance when we laughed . So Mrs. Woo explained that "people usually laugh because of your fantastic performance , not because you acted badly ." I had finally understood this precious meaning and also learnt to be braver and aspired to improve on my acting skills .

In my opinion , I think that the Literature lesson is perfect as there are no improvements needed . Plus , i am really glad that Mrs Woo had changed the group for the group discussion so that we can interact more with different classmates and know more about them .

In conclusion , I have learnt quite a lot from this Literature lesson and wish that there are more group discussions in the future .