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I am ME
Yo ! I am Wei Qi from 2 Commitment ... 8December was the date i first landed on earth :D My besties are JingYing a.k.a Coco Black(I named this , she likes it :P) , LiLing and Calisa !!! I love Miss A and 2NE1 too !

Have everlasting friendship
Be happy
Do well for exams
Grow taller

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January 2011 | February 2011 | April 2011 | July 2011 | August 2011 | September 2011 |

Learning Log 7
Learning Log 6
Learning Log 5
Learning Log 4
Learning Log 3
Learning Log 2
Learning Log 1


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Learning Log 4
Written at Tuesday, April 19, 2011 | back to top

From this Macbeth Performance , i learned some precious values such as teamwork and leadership . These two values are very important factors needed in a group work . We have to cooperate with one another and each member must have the initiative to lead the group in order to get the task done . I am really glad that my group had demonstrated these two values . I also believe that my group members , Melisa , Li Ling , and me could get things done on time was due to our good time management . Although , the three of us were busy with our SYF practices , we still tried our very best to cope with our work . Most importantly , the reason why my group and other groups could make through this period of time and overcome all the problems faced was because of our teamwork and encouragements from each other .

Although that was not my first time acting in front of the class , i still felt really nervous as my group's turn to perform was getting nearer . My group members and i were very panic before our performance . We got really confused and things did not go according to plan ! Some of the props were left in the classroom and we had no choice but to perform without them .

During our performance , there was an awkward silence while we waited for the sound of the Paddock to be played . Again , we had no choice but to continue our act without the "callings" of the Paddock . Finally , our performance ended . I was really sad and disappointed about the performance as i thought that i had acted poorly . However , i felt better after the comforting from my friends .

In my opinion , i felt that Jia Yi's group performed the best and they were the most outstanding group in our class . It was really entertaining and funny ! Their body language and delivery of lines were very good too ! The performance by Jia Yi"s group was also the part i enjoyed the most for the overall Macbeth Performance and there is nothing needed to improve on .

Last but not least , no natter how many marks we get , we should be satisfied and contented as our class really put in all our efforts into this Macbeth Performance and our efforts had finally paid off ! I look forward to upcoming Romeo and Juliet performance by 2 Commitment !